The Swedish Forest Industries Federation is a driving force in several European partnerships for an increased focus on forest-related research that benefit the bio-economic development.
CEPI - The Confederation of European Paper Industries, CEPI
- CEPI represents the pulp and paper industry in 19 countries.
- CEPI has four standing committees, which take long-term strategic perspectives on the relevant issues affecting the industry.
- The role of CEPI is also to represent the paper industry with EU institutions and stakeholders and to improve the image and visibility of the paper industry.
- Read more about CEPI.
The European Confederation of Woodworking Industries, CEI-Bois
- CEI-Bois is a trade organization that promotes the interests of the European wood sector.
- They also play a vital part when it comes to driving research and innovation questions that are crucial to the wood-based sector on a European level and aims to contribute to the EU policy-making process within the sector.
- Read more about CEI-Bois.
Forest-based Sector Technology Platform, FTP
- The European hub for research and innovation in the forest-based bioeconomy.
- Aiming to be a meeting place for industry, forest owners and public authorities to discuss common research and innovation needs on a European level.
- FTP also delivers scientific sound, strategic and EU relevant information to public funding providers, thus facilitating opportunities for targeted investments in research, technological developments and innovation.
- The FTP is led by Managing Director, Johan Elvnert. Swedish Lena Ek, president of Södra, is chairman of the FTP.
- Read more about FTP.
Horizon Europe - The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
- The EU's new framework program Horizon Europe runs between the years 2021 and 2027.
- Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of 95.5 billion EUR.
- Read more about Horizon Europe.
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, IIASA
- IIASA is an international scientific institute that conducts research into the current critical issues of global environmental, economic, technological, and social change.
- IIASA conducts policy-oriented research into problems that are too large or complex to be solved by a single country or academic discipline.
- The Swedish participation in IIASA is organized by Formas.
- Read more about IIASA.