Agreement on RED sets welcome long-term rules for bioenergy
The Swedish Forest Industries welcomes the high ambitions for renewable energy and that the uncertainty about rules for bioenergy is over.
The Swedish Forest Industries welcomes the high ambitions for renewable energy and that the uncertainty about rules for bioenergy is over.
The Swedish researchers Fredrik Wikström and Helén Williams think it is high time we looked at packaging with fresh eyes.
For 30 years, the European Single Market has created opportunities. One family-owned sawmill looks back on several decades of expansion.
“We appreciate the Swedish position on the importance of flexible resource use but regret that other member states do not share our view."
Carbon removals certification can at best be a tool to boost climate benefits of the bioeconomy, but at worst hamper or delay them.
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Box 55525, 102 04 Stockholm, Sweden
+46 (0)8-762 72 60
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