Reduced harvesting rates pose severe economic and societal risks
Reducing harvesting rates by 10 per cent would be unrealistic, ineffective, and would have severe economic and societal impacts.
Reducing harvesting rates by 10 per cent would be unrealistic, ineffective, and would have severe economic and societal impacts.
The EU Parliament’s approval, in particular the inclusion of aspects of the use and content of renewable materials, is welcomed.
The Swedish Forest Industries Federation (SFIF) welcomes the EU Parliament’s approval of the proposed Nature Restoration Law.
The Confederation of Swedish Enterprises welcome the Parliament’s approval of a balanced set of revisions to Industrial Emissions Directive.
SFIF maintains its previously stated position of welcoming the law’s stated aim of restoring damaged ecosystems, but voicing concerns.
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Box 55525, 102 04 Stockholm, Sweden
+46 (0)8-762 72 60
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