European forests – prosperous and healthy or in critical conditions?

Cepinar in partnership with SFIF

Ahead of the publication of the EU forest strategy, to take place before the summer, together with the Swedish Forest Industries Federation (SFIF), we aim at opening a frank and fact-based discussion on the current state of European forests and the multiple roles that forests can play to achieve the Green Deal objectives.

You can still watch the Cepinar here


Welcome and opening

  • Anna Holmberg
    Moderator & Director and Head of Brussels Office, Swedish Forest Industries Federation

Ten facts you did not know about forests and why things are better than you think

  • Jori Ringman
    Director General, Cepi

Climate Smart Forestry in practice – testimonies from forest owners

  • Luc Bouvarel
    Forest owner & consultant for CEPF, Confederation of European Forest Owners
  • Public forest manager tbc
    In cooperation with EUSTAFOR, European State Forest Association
  • Angelica Mattsson
    Forest-based industry company owner, Business Unit Forest, Holmen Group (SFIF)

State of European forests, forests & climate action: which ambition for the revamped EU forest strategy

  • Magdalena Majerczyk tbc
    European Green Deal and Forestry Expert in Cabinet of European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski, DG AGRI
  • Alexander Bernhuber tbc
    MEP (EPP, AT), Shadow rapporteur on the 2030 Biodiversity Strategy report initiative of the European Parliament
  • Dan Burgar Kuželički
    Under-secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food in Slovenia
  • Marta Souto Barreiros
    Environment and Forestry Expert, CELPA, Portuguese Paper Industry Association

Concluding remarks

  • Maria Wetterstrand 
    Board Member, Mistra Digital Forests
Watch the Cepinar here